BGSA Reflections Art Program
Does your student enjoy art, music, and dance, or have an interest in writing, producing films, and taking photos? We invite them to join us and have fun unleashing their inner artist with PTA Reflections!
About the Program
The Reflections Program is a National PTA and Georgia PTA cultural arts competition. Since 1969, over 10 million students across the nation have taken part in this popular PTA program.
The purpose of this program is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their original works. The excitement and enthusiasm that the program generates for students, parents, schools, and communities is unmatched with the majority of Georgia PTAs participating in the program at all PTA levels.
That’s why the Reflections Program provides an excellent opportunity for students of all ages to:
Unleash their creative talents and be inspired
Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork
Experience the joy and fun of making art
Tap into critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme of "Accepting Imperfections"
Receive positive recognition for their original works of art
This year we will be accepting submissions in the following categories:
Click each icon for full details and submission rules.
Visual Arts
Dance Coreography
Music Composition
Film Production
How Does My Child Participate?
Determine which category or categories your student wishes to participate in.
Review the full program rules as well as the submission rules for the selected categories.
Print and complete the PTA Reflections Student Submission Entry Form.
Be sure to select the correct "Grade Division" when completing this form.
Additional information on the "Accessible Arts" division can be found here. ​
Have your student create their Reflections entry.
Submit all artwork and entry forms to the BGSA PTA via the front office no later than 2 PM on Friday, October 11.
Reflections Timeline
Friday, October 11 - Deadline to submit entries to BGSA PTA via front office.
Friday, October 18 - BGSA winners will be announced via social media and email. BGSA winning entries will advance to the District level.
Later this Fall - BGSA local Unit Reflections Award Ceremony.
Additional District and State level awards ceremonies will be announced as more information is received.